Wear appropriate body sculpting bra as early as possible to prevent chest sagging and other issues

Busty chest is proud of the capital, but due to the burden of gravity, the more full of MM, the more likely to cause chest sagging, according to the survey showed that nearly 25% of women after the age of 60 began to droop, expansion and other phenomena, seriously affecting Curvilinear, the experts suggest that after the development of mature fit to wear proper bra, early prevention of chest sagging and other issues.


Figure: Bess Filgrad underwear

Using the latest Parisian elegance design, all the stitches are exquisite craftsmanship, elegant embroidery interpretation of women's perfect, sexy and noble, widened shoulder strapped customer service gravity on the impact of breast milk, while relieving shoulder pressure, protection Shoulder, clavicle.

穿合适的塑身文胸 及早预防胸部下垂等问题

Figure: Bess Filgrad underwear

Gather the Titanium 3/4 perfect cup, fit the breast under the thin palm rest, the maximum fit the breast, as if the lover's hand gently support the scientific steel ring design to receive powerful milk, Bit, to avoid the pile of breast pressure oppression, prevent breast fat outflow.

Cotton Embroidery

Weihai Jocund Home Textile Co., Ltd , https://www.jocundhome.com